Terralift Technologies

The technologies developed by Terralift have evolved through emphasis on fully exploiting natural materials and their capacity to optimize the soil chemistry together with the plant’s efficiency in its uptake and use of applied nutrition.

Food Residue Organic Complex Technology

Involves the gathering of a selection of urban food residues, carrying all the constituents needed to maximize the production of amino acids, humate acids and plant growth regulators in a controlled composting process that fully bio-converts the organic matter with the minimum of inert fibre inclusion. FROC provides extended ‘in soil’ residency for plant available minerals, microbial foods to promote conversion of plant waste to useable nutrition and plant uptake supports to maximize plant health.

The resulting complex is food grade quality, pasteurised and steam sterilised to exceed minimum EU standards. FROC has been proven to provide:

  • Extended maintenance quantities of Phosphate and Potassium
  • A stable humus and Ca lift to existing soil CEC to limit loss of applied nutrition
  • Essential levels of trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, B) along with ammoniac N
  • Complex natural acids (amino/humic/fulvic/salicylic) and phytohormones – to combat stress and disease attack

Advanced Thermophilic Digestion Technology

The most advanced liquid bio-conversion system operating today. ATD uses highly evolved microbes to completely break down organic matter into plant available minerals and nutrients along with a concentration of enzymes, plant growth regulators and nutrient support acids – a highly effective liquid organic complex.

Both the FROC and ATD technologies provide the core components in all Terralift formulae to ‘organo-wrap’ added chemical NPK materials, allowing for a lower analysis, which produces quality turf with the key attributes of resilience, sward density and sustained performance.


Nitrogen + Organic fusion granulation technology

The Terralift organic fusion process blends and successfully binds three nitrogen forms (nitrate, ammoniac and ureic) with organic NPK and trace elements plus added minerals for a controlled release of up to 10 weeks while the nutrient soil preservation properties of the organic complex limit leach or evaporation loss regardless of rainfall or dry conditions.

NORF granules come as stable, homogenous, fine particles that spread evenly and disintegrate with moisture, such that the nitrate portion together with K and Mg ensure early colour without soft growth.


Methylene Urea (MU) + Organic Complex technology

MU is a slow release chain of urea components (NH4 and NO3) linked to carbon and hydrogen. Research field trials have shown the MU chain to work extremely well with our FROC and ATD organic complex. In MORC granules we employ a 16 week MU for a proven 14 week granule, while our liquid forms contain an 8 week MU chain for a proven 6 week liquid.

The MU nitrate and ammoniac N are released by microbial breakdown of their carbon link. Therefore the combining of our organic complex with MU provides the best possible potential for the indigenous microbe population being ready to facilitate this process as needed by the grass. 

MU has the advantage that it is not affected by moisture, pH variance, and high or low temperatures, adding to the certainty of the optimum release pattern. Our MU is a specific fine particle production known for its stability and desirable early and long release characteristics.